19 jul 2016

Soundtrack Edición Limitada de Justice League

Durante la San Diego Comic-Con, siempre se anuncian sorpresas, algún coleccionable edición limita etc, En esta ocasión se ha confirmado que se pondrá a la venta una edición limitada del soundtrack de la serie animada de 'Justice League'. Sin duda una de las mejores series animadas de todos los tiempos. Después del salto puedes encontrar el repertorio de canciones.

Disco 1: 
1. Main Title (Lolita Ritmanis) 1:02  
2. Teaser/Discover Chamber 1:23
3. Solution for Peace 1:14
4. Telepathic Message 1:35
5. Metropolis Under Attack/Military Intervention 3:20
6. Superman Finds J’onn 1:43 SECRET ORIGINS, PART II (Lolita Ritmanis)
7. Breaking Her Promise 0:50
8. Curtains for Batman 3:16 SECRET ORIGINS, PART III (Kristopher Carter)
9. Uneasy Allies 1:42
10. Batman to the Rescue 5:01
11. Imperium Retreats/The Justice League 2:40 THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD, PART I (Michael McCuistion)
12. Flash Catches Truck Thieves 4:02
13. Gorilla on the Loose 2:05
14. Flash-Back 1:39
15. Search for Grodd 2:54 THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD, PART II (Michael McCuistion)
16. Justice League Attempts Escape 2:33
17. Grodd Deceives Everyone 0:42 LEGENDS, PART I (Lolita Ritmanis)
18. Enter the Green Guardsman/Roll Call 2:08
19. When I Was a Kid 0:33
20. The Decoder Rings 2:33
21. Chill Out 1:13 LEGENDS, PART II (Lolita Ritmanis)
22. Battle Scars 1:26
23. Through the Gateway 0:52
24. They Gave Their Lives for Us 0:36 ECLIPSED, PART I (Kristopher Carter)
25. Soldiers Find Gem 3:19 ECLIPSED, PART II (Kristopher Carter)
26. Mophir Jumps Princess/Man vs. Snake 3:30
27. Green Lantern Has Diamond 2:15
28. AFD Hits Sun* 4:04
29. Flash Goes for Gold/Mophir Gets Job 3:45 THE ENEMY BELOW, PART I (Michael McCuistion)
30. Justice League Saves Crew/Offer to Negotiate 2:59
31. Destiny of Atlantis 1:11
32. Batman Saves Aquaman 0:48 THE ENEMY BELOW, PART II (Michael McCuistion)
33. Orm Takes Control/Orm Captures Justice League 3:29
34. The Ultimate Sacrifice 2:03
35. Arctic Battle 2:46
36. Aquaman’s Legacy 0:37
Disco 2
1. End Credits (extended) (Lolita Ritmanis) 0:49 INJUSTICE FOR ALL, PART I (Lolita Ritmanis)
2. When Money Talks 2:50
3. Test Results 0:56
4. A Cast of Characters 2:56
5. A Party Without Me? 1:53 INJUSTICE FOR ALL, PART II (Lolita Ritmanis)
6. Recap (Injustice for All, Part II) 1:01
7. He’s Still Alive 2:07
8. The Key to Our Victory/Luthor’s Grand Entrance* 2:54 PARADISE LOST, PART I (Kristopher Carter)
9. Returning Home 4:18
10. Diana Fights Statue/Diana Saves Girl 3:29 PARADISE LOST, PART II (Kristopher Carter)
11. Recap (Paradise Lost, Part II) 0:59
12. Journey to Tartarus 1:18
13. Faust Frees Hades 2:34
14. League Fights Hades 3:29
15. Diana Banished 1:17 A KNIGHT OF SHADOWS, PART I (Michael McCuistion)
16. Batman Talks With Jason 1:21
17. Morgaine’s Psychic Spell/The Demon Intervenes 3:44 A KNIGHT OF SHADOWS, PART II (Michael McCuistion)
18. Jason’s Destiny 1:28 METAMORPHOSIS, PART I (Lolita Ritmanis)
19. Stagg Finds Volunteer/Stagg Visits Saph 1:47 METAMORPHOSIS, PART II (Michael McCuistion)
20. Stagg’s Monster 1:17
21. Metamorpho Returns 0:53 TABULA RASA, PART I (Lolita Ritmanis)
22. Almost Like a Brother/Let Me Tell You a Story 1:40 TABULA RASA, PART II (Lolita Ritmanis)
23. Recap (Tabula Rasa, Part II) 1:03
24. You Missed Me 1:35
25. Pivotal Moment 1:40
26. A Real Hero 2:48 THE SAVAGE TIME, PART I (Kristopher Carter)
27. Meet Der Furhrruhhr/Diana Saves Steve*** 3:04 THE SAVAGE TIME, PART II (Lolita Ritmanis)
28. Where’s Green Lantern? 1:55
29. Blackhawks Arrive 2:27
30. Lay Down Our Lives/We’ve Got a War to Fight 2:21
31. A New World Order** 2:25
32. Enjoy the Moment*** 1:07
33. Blackhawk Island/It’s a Trap 1:41 THE SAVAGE TIME, PART III (Michael McCuistion)
34. Justice League Attacks Base 1:19
35. Savage Invasion/Defeat**/**** 7:15
36. Reunited**** 1:30
Tiempo total Disco 2: 78:27

Disco 3

1. Steppenwolf Steps Out/Highfather’s Warning* 2:40
2. Heroes Find Orion* 5:25 TWILIGHT, PART II (Lolita Ritmanis, Kristopher Carter & Michael McCuistion)
3. Highfather’s Lesson (L. Ritmanis) 1:00
4. Darkseid’s Doublecross* (K. Carter) 2:19
5. Search for Superman (L. Ritmanis) 0:26
6. Supes Means Business*/Darkseid Gets Hotfoot* (M. McCuistion) 3:16 WAR WORLD, PART I (Lolita Ritmanis)
7. No Sign of Them/Give Him to Draaga 1:16 WAR WORLD, PART II (Lolita Ritmanis)
8. I’ll Take My Chances 0:44
9. Stuck on Garbage Planet 0:43
10. No One Touches Our Stuff 1:11 ONLY A DREAM, PART I (Michael McCuistion)
11. Parole Denied/Prison Break 4:03
12. Dr. Destiny 2:07
13. Destiny Lullaby 1:14 ONLY A DREAM, PART II (Michael McCuistion)
14. Superman Returns to Smallville 2:13
15. Green Lantern’s Decision 1:44 HEARTS AND MINDS, PART I (Lolita Ritmanis)
16. Alert 1:16
17. I Was Lucky 1:33
18. I Am Radocko 1:03
19. Turn up the Heat 2:31 HEARTS AND MINDS, PART II (Lolita Ritmanis)
20. Ancient Drawings 3:21
21. As a Friend and Equal 0:42
22. Take Out the Flame 1:29
23. Aftermath 1:23 WILD CARDS, PART I (Michael McCuistion)
24. Joker Goes Nationwide 1:17
25. It’s the Joker Show/Royal Flush Gang Revealed 3:13
26. Poor Gifted Children/Green Lantern Saves Hawkgirl 3:25 WILD CARDS, PART II (Michael McCuistion)
27. Baby Ace 1:50
28. A Man and a Woman 1:52 HEREAFTER, PART I (Kristopher Carter)
29. Villains’ Pact/Supes Zapped*/Death of Supes/Live Coverage 4:19
30. Supes’ Funeral 1:32 HEREAFTER, PART II (Kristopher Carter)
31. Supes Begins Journey 1:17
32. Supes Forges Sword/Supes Fights Wolfpack 2:20
33. Supes Meets Savage/Supes Smacks Savage 3:36
34. Supes Snoops 1:09
35. Supes Regains Powers* 3:48
36. Supes Rejoins League*/Savage Redemption 2:23 JUSTICE LEAGUE
37. Main Theme (extended) (Lolita Ritmanis) 2:03
Disco 4
1. Smallville University Demonstration/Batman Discovers Alternate Universe 3:50
2. Justice Lords Cross Over 2:23 A BETTER WORLD, PART II (Michael McCuistion)
3. Dueling Batmen/Green Lantern Rescues Hawkgirl 2:36
4. League vs. Lords 6:31 THE TERROR BEYOND, PART I (Lolita Ritmanis)
5. Where Are We? 1:34
6. I Must Be Allowed to Concentrate 1:43 THE TERROR BEYOND, PART II (Lolita Ritmanis)
7. Recap (The Terror Beyond, Part II) 1:03
8. The Price Was High 1:50
9. Soul 2:09 MAID OF HONOR, PART I (Kristopher Carter)
10. Parisian Eve 0:27
11. Museum Party Source 1:39
12. Thugs Crash Party 1:23
13. Laboratory Caper* 2:10
14. Audrey Leaps From Tower 1:21
15. Space Station Hijacking 2:10 MAID OF HONOR, PART II (Kristopher Carter)
16. Recap (Maid of Honor, Part II) 1:03
17. Audrey & Diana Catfight 1:00
18. Flash Payback/Audrey Ends on Top 4:06 COMFORT AND JOY (Lolita Ritmanis)
19. Like a Child 1:29
20. Home for the Holidays 1:53
21. Feeling More Festive/The Source 2:31
22. Christmas Eve/Merry Christmas*** 2:43 STARCROSSED, PART I (Lolita Ritmanis)
23. Any Sign of Trouble? 0:40
24. Mortal Enemies 1:08
25. Talak/Spoken For 3:08
26. Surrender or Die 3:11 STARCROSSED, PART II (Kristopher Carter)
27. League on the Run 1:31
28. Hawkgirl Pleads for Earth 2:40
29. Hawkgirl Helps Heroes*** 1:46 STARCROSSED, PART III (Lolita Ritmanis & Michael McCuistion)
30. Mind Reading/The Flame (L. Ritmanis) 1:41
31. Tell Me (L. Ritmanis) 0:39
32. Watchtower Reclaimed (M. McCuistion) 3:28
33. Talak vs. Green Lantern (M. McCuistion) 5:07
34. In My Eyes (L. Ritmanis) 1:59
35. Farewell Hawkgirl (L. Ritmanis) 2:22 JUSTICE LEAGUE
36. End Credits (Lolita Ritmanis) 0:31
Sin duda algo que no puede faltar en tu colección si tienes oportunidad de comprarlo. Un soundtrack que puede acompañar las lecturas de tus cómics.
Si te ha gustado la entrada no olvides en compartirla !!